Ensuring TPAs
Do More of What Matters

Some Things You'll Never Do Again
Hound clients
The time-consuming, back-and-forth of requesting plan sponsor data is a thing of the past. With Dynamis, you can focus your client communications on providing value--not nagging for census details.
Correct corrupted data
Data flows directly from plan sponsors payroll into Dynamis without human intervention or errors. The system warns you of suspect data with each new payroll file.
Chase census data
With a single login per plan sponsor, Dynamis provides real-time access to your client's census data and stores it securely in an easily accessible platform on the cloud.
Some Things You'll Never Do Again
With a single login per plan sponsor, Dynamis provides real-time access your client's census data and stores it securely in an easily accessible platform on the cloud.
Data flows directly from plan sponsors payroll into Dynamis without human intervention or errors. The system warns you of suspect data with each new payroll file.
The time-consuming, back-and-forth of requesting plan sponsor data is a thing of the past. With Dynamis, you can focus your client communications on providing value--not nagging for census details.